Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Web Frameworks

Yesterday it was overcast and I was in a bad mood. I wanted to write an angry rant about how one MUST justify their use of anything but Ruby on Rails or Grails (or, I'm told, Django) when building websites, but I held off, and I'm glad, because when one gets up on a soapbox, they usually end up looking like a fool. However, today I'm in a good mood, and I still feel the same way. I read this today. I haven't used Django, but I've heard great things.

Why do I feel one MUST justify their use of anything but RoR, Grails (or, I'm told, Django)? The reason why is just plain ol'experience. I am currently knee deep in a straight up Java project, using Spring MVC. I think Spring MVC is great (Grails is built on it after all), but every time we encounter a problem, right there in the back of my head is a little voice saying, "why oh why didn't we use Grails (or Rails, or, I'm told, Django)?" At work when I bring up RoR, people are always quick to say, "RoR has problems scaling." Our Java project doesn't scale very well, and it won't ever scale well. We spend so much of our time coding around oddities that are inadvertently brought about by the lack of structure in our project that we don't have time to focus on scaling. Go ahead! Criticize our team for lacking structure, a structure common to the really "good" developers out there. Bah! Lack of structure is status quo, and that's why things like Grails and Rails (or, I'm told, Django) came about. They enforce structure by default. They enforce rich domain models by default (I've been through my share of anemic domain models to know why they are valuable). They enforce separation of concerns, and they are really FUN to use!

So if you aren't going to use one of these hip, new frameworks, that's fine, but you'd better have a good justification for it.

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